Studio Handbook

Welcome to our Music Studio: Piano, Voice, Ukulele, Worship Piano, Choir!

Your lessons, practice and performances will help you find your voice.  Music can speak to your soul or it can be a voice for others to move their hearts.  I am so glad we get to make music together.:)

Practice Expectations and Instrument Requirements

A student’s progress is determined by dedicated practice, not by simply attending lessons. Ideally, students should practice 4 to 5 days a week. Specific amounts of practice time are not assigned to each student. Instead, students should practice long enough to complete their weekly assignments.  

Parental Support is an extremely important factor in musical training. Students whose parents take an active role in their progress tend to be more enthusiastic and productive. Create a quiet space where the student can practice, and schedule a time for practice each day.

Instrument Requirements: All students (voice included) should have regular access to an acoustic piano or an 88 key modern digital piano with a weighted hammer action. Acoustic pianos should be kept in good working order and should be tuned at least once a year. Please see me for tuner recommendations!

Missed Lessons: If the teacher has to cancel I will find a suitable time for a makeup lesson.  There are no makeup lessons for student cancellations.  

If a student misses more than two consecutive weeks they are at risk of loosing their spot to someone on the wait list.

Lesson times are standing appointments; a student’s lesson time is reserved for only them each week, and it is their responsibility to attend. 

Other classes and teams do not offer reimbursements if you cannot attend a rehearsal or game – music lessons are no different.  

Because specific times are set aside for specific students, a student who does not attend a lesson will simply miss the benefit of that lesson.  

Group Lessons: Are a FANTASTIC way to learn music in a friendly and supportive environment.  All studies show that we learn best in a group setting.  

Group lessons incorporate: learning how to play your instrument through movement, singing, rhythm, sight reading, conducting, games and more.:) 

All students will be enrolled in group lessons .  These lessons have weekly group meetings a month and the last week of the month is a master class.

Master Class: is held the last week of the month instead of a individual group lesson.  Master Class is a monthly all studio event.  All students in the studio will meet together for music games, performances and snacks.  This is a very easy way for students to get comfortable performing for one another and to grow in community.:)

*Private Lessons are by teacher recommendation only.

*The teacher reserves the right to dismiss a student/family from the studio at her discretion.